Sour jujube kernel (酸枣仁)is availabe.
It can be used to grow rootstock and as herbal medicine.
March 7, 2022: scionwoods available for following varieties: Li, Shanxi Li, Dabailing, Russia#2, Chico, Honeyjar, Sihong, GA866, Sugarcane, Fucuimi, Sherwood.
April 5, 2021: All the orders for spring of 2021 have been delivered already.
May 30, 2020: We grafted following varieties for spring of 2021: Alcalde#1, Dabailing, Dongzao(Winter jujube), Fucuimi, Honeyjar, Kongfucui, Lang, Li, Maya, Redland, Russia#2, Sandia, Shanxi Li, Sihong, Sugarcane.
May 20, 2019-Following Varieties were grafted for spring of 2020.All the jujube varieties are grafted on the sour jujube (酸枣).
Honeyjar (蜂蜜罐), Lang, Li, Redland, Russia#2, Shanxi Li(山西梨枣), Sihong(泗洪大枣), Sugarcane; Alcalde#1, Chico, Dabailing (大白铃), Winter jujube-Dongzao (冬枣), Dragon (龙枣), Fucuimi (伏脆蜜), Huizao (灰枣), Kongfucui (孔府脆), Maya (马牙), Mushroom, Sandia (early winter jujube), So(Contorted), Teapot (茶壶枣).
For scionwood storage and grafting refer to Dr. Shengrui Yao's publication: Jujube Grafting
Unwaxed cuttings,
NOT for sale
Cut and waxed scionwood, ready for grafting, for sale
10-year old big jujube trees are available in the spring of 2025. The price is negotiable. Scionwoods will be available from late February every year.
September 15, 2024: Fresh jujube fruits (over 20 varieties) are available at $5/LB. Shipping service is available ($68 for USPS priority medium size box).
May 27, 2023: We grafted following varieties for spring of 2024: Alcalde#1, Chico, Dabailing, Dongzao(Winter jujube), Fucuimi, Honeyjar, Kongfucui, Maya, Russia#2, Sandia.
We have harvested jujube scionwood for our own use. Limited extra scionwood are available for sale. All the scionwood are waxed. We encourage to graft with single bud, so we sell the scionwood at the price for each bud.
For each variety you need to buy at least 3 buds. The minimum order
is no less than $20, plus shipping fee. Free shipping for the order of $50 and more.
$4 per bud for: Sandia, Dongzao, GA866, Kongfucui, Maya, Mushroom and So (Contorted jujube);
$3 per bud for: Alcalde#1, Ant Admire, Chico, Dabailing, Fucuimi, Honeyjar, Lang, Li, Redland, Russia#2, Shanxi Li, Sherwood, Shuimen, Sihong, Sugarcane.
3/6/2025: We plan to graft Dongzao, Sandia, Kongfucui, Maya, Alcalde#1, Fucuimi, Redland, Dabailing, Sihong, Honeyjar for planting in spring of 2026. Welcome to contact us to make preorder without obligation.
October 5, 2022: Fresh Winter jujube (Dongzao) fruits are available at $10/LB. Dried jujube fruits are available at $10/LB.
Following jujube trees are still available. $40 per tree for Li, Shanxi Li, GA866; $50 per tree for Alcalde#1.
September 20, 2022: Following jujube trees are still available. $40 per tree for Li, Shanxi Li, Sihong, Honeyjar, GA866, Sugarcane, Russia#2; $50 per tree for Alcalde#1, Fucuimi; $60 per tree for Dongzao(冬枣) for spring of 2023. Please let us know which varieties you plan to reserve for spring of 2023. All Sandia, Maya, Kongfucui, Dabailing jujube trees have been proordered.
Thank you. Email:
Chinese Red Date Orchard/Jujube Tree/Jujube Fruit
Jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill), also called Chinese date, red date, Chinese red date or tsao (zao), originated in China and has been cultivated in China for more than 4000 years. Jujube was first introduced into USA in 1837. Chinese date is very precocious and easy to grow. It can tolerate a wide range of temperatures from - 25 to +125°F. Jujube fruit is rich in vitamin C with 200 to 800 mg/100 g of fresh fruit, 70-100 times higher than grapes and apples, so jujube fruit is also called 'Natural Vc Pill'. Eating a few fresh red date fruits will meet the USDA recommended daily Vc requirement. Jujube fruit also have high total phenol contents and total antioxidant activity (10 Amazing Health Benefits of Jujube Fruit) .
If you want to know more about jujube, following information is very informative:
Jujube, jujube tree, jujube fruit by The Future of Flavor
Roger Meyer on Jujube - Cultivation and Varieties
Jujube fruit fact-California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.
Flowering and Fruiting of 56 Jujube varieties in the Southwestern United States-Dr. Yao
How to graft jujube-description
How to graft jujube-video
Past, Present, and Future of Jujubes-Chinese Dates in the United States-Dr. Shengrui Yao from New Mexico State University
Every Home Garden Should Have Jujube Tree-VeganAthlete-Phoenix, ARIZONA
Unique fruit development of ornamental 'Teapot' jujube-Dr. Yao
We specialize in growing Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba, Red date, Chinese date, Chinese red date, Zao, 枣).
Our Chinese Red Date Orchard(中华红枣园) in New Mexico will provide:
Jujube cultivar plants, scionwoods;
sour jujube (Ziziphus spinosa, wild jujube, 酸枣)seed, jujube rootstock;
best quality fresh jujube fruit, dried jujube fruit.
Chinese Red Date Orchard ©2013- 2015 | All Rights Reserved